The BusPlus Project

Connecting people

Canberra was founded in 1913 by American architect Walter Burley Griffin, it is a vast, planned city built as a collection of towns separated by green belts.

  • Canberra: 381,488 hab.
    814.2 km² (428.6/km²)
  • Montréal (City): 1,649,519 hab.
    431.50 km² (4,517.6/km²)
  • Montréal (Metro): 4,127,100 hab.
    4,258.31 km² (898.1/km²)

Why BusPlus?

Canberra suffers heavily from low patronage


  • Demand is too spread out
  • Most buses run almost empty
  • Very high cost: almost 100 bus lines
  • Service is not regular, esp. off-peak


  • Booking system, trips start at a bus stop
  • Low waiting time (15min preparation time)
  • High frequency buses (aiming for every 15min)
  • Shuttles for "first" and "last mile"

Modelling BusPlus

Public transportation network design

Modelling BusPlus

The data

  • One week of data (Monday to Saturday)
  • 2,800 bus stops
  • 21,000 trips for 60,000 passengers
  • Two sets of hubs: $H_{10}$ and $H_{20}$

Modelling BusPlus

Hub Location and BusPlus

The Hub-Arc Location Problem [1] (HALP) is a variant of the well-known Hub Location Problem where hubs do not form a complete graph.

Modelling BusPlus

Hub Location and BusPlus

The Hub-Arc Location Problem [1] (HALP) is a variant of the well-known Hub Location Problem where hubs do not form a complete graph.

[1] Campbell, J.F., Ernst, A.T. and Krishnamoorthy, M., 2005.

Hub arc location problems: part I & II.

Management Science, 51(10), pp.1540-1571.

Modelling BusPlus

Hub Location and BusPlus

The Hub-Arc Location Problem [1] (HALP) is a variant of the well-known Hub Location Problem where hubs do not form a complete graph.

The HALP is used when designing networks where opening links between hubs has a cost but these links provide economies of scale (e.g., transhipping networks).

[1] Campbell, J.F., Ernst, A.T. and Krishnamoorthy, M., 2005.

Hub arc location problems: part I & II.

Management Science, 51(10), pp.1540-1571.

Modelling BusPlus

Variables and costs

  • Costs is a mix of expenses and time, conversion factor $\alpha$
  • Taxis $x$ available everywhere to route trips, combination of time and cost: $$\tau = (1 - \alpha) d_{ij} \cdot T + \alpha \cdot t_{ij}$$
  • Bus legs (hub arcs) $z$ with a fixed installation cost: $$\beta = (1 - \alpha) d_{hl} \cdot B$$
  • Bus trips $y$ between hubs, only cost $$\gamma = \alpha (t_{ij} + S)$$

Modelling BusPlus

Hub-and-Shuttle Public Transportation System (HSPTS)

$$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{r \in T} \sum_{i,j \in N} \tau_{ij}^r x_{ij}^r + \sum_{r \in T}\sum_{h, l \in H} \gamma_{hl}^r y^r_{hl} & + \sum_{h,l \in H} \beta_{hl} z_{hl} \\ s.t. && \sum_{l \in H} z_{hl} & = \sum_{l\in H} z_{lh} & \forall h \in H \label{eq:hub} \\ & & y^r_{hl} & \leq z_{hl} & \forall r\in T, \forall h,l \in H \label{eq:hard} \\ & & \sum_{j \in N} \left( x^r_{ij} - x^r_{ji} \right) + \sum_{\substack{h \in H \\ \text{if } i \in H}} \left(y^r_{ih} - y^r_{hi} \right) & = 1, 0, -1 & \forall r \in T, \forall i \in N \\ & & x_{ij}^r, y_{hl}^r \geq 0; z_{hl} \in \B \end{align} $$

Trimming the Model

A million variables is just too much!

Trimming the Model

Warming up, because not all taxis are born equal...


Some trips will never use the bus network, whatever the configuration!

About 30% of trips can just be omitted in the model when using 10 hubs; 20% with 20 hubs.


We have an upper bound on the cost $\tau_{od}$, let us remove any "best" scenario above that:

if $\tau_{oh} + \gamma_{hl} + \tau_{ld} > \tau_{od}$, then remove $x_{oh}$ and $x_{ld}$.

55% to 58% reduction in the number of $x$ variables.

$H_{10}$ has 130,000 $x$ variables, $H_{20}$ has 300,000.

Benders Decomposition

A short introduction

Benders Decomposition

What is it?

  • Take a MIP
  • Project out continuous variables
  • You obtain two problems: a master and a sub-problem


The HALP can actually be seen as a two-level decision process.

  1. 1. Which arcs to open
  2. 2. How to route the flow

Benders Decomposition

How does it work?

  • The master is a relaxed problem, it fixes the integer variables
  • Solve the dual LP with the candidate solution to generate cuts
  • Instead of having to explore all solutions, only add "relevant" constraints

Benders Decomposition

Some more maths


$$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{h,l \in H} \beta_{hl} z_{hl} + q \nonumber \\ s.t. && \sum_{l \in H} z_{hl} = \sum_{l \in H} z_{lh} &\ \forall h \in H \\ && \text{A set of cuts}\\ && z \in \B, q \in \R \end{align} $$


$$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{r \in T} \left( \sum_{i, j \in N}% \tau_{ij}^r x_{ij}^r +% \sum_{h, l \in H} \gamma_{hl}^r y_{hl}^r \right) \\ s.t. && y^r_{hl} \leq \bar{z}_{hl} \quad \forall r \in T, h,l \in H\\ && \sum_{j \in N} \left( x^r_{ij} - x^r_{ji} \right) + \sum_{\substack{h \in H \\ \text{if } i \in H}} \left(y^r_{ih} - y^r_{hi} \right) = 1, 0, -1 \\ && \forall r \in T, \forall i \in N \\ && 0 \leq x_{ij}^r, y_{hl}^r \leq 1 \end{align} $$

Benders Decomposition

Some more maths


$$ \begin{align} \min\quad \sum_{h,l \in H} \beta_{hl} z_{hl} + q \nonumber \\ s.t.\quad \sum_{l \in H} z_{hl} = \sum_{l \in H} z_{lh} &\quad \forall h \in H \\ u_o - u_d - \sum_{h, l \in H} z_{hl} v_{hl} \geq q &\quad\! \forall (u, v) \in \mathcal{O} \\ z \in \B, q \in \R \end{align} $$

(Independent) Dual Sub-Problem

$$ \begin{align} \max && u_o - u_d - \sum_{h, l \in H} & \bar{z}_{hl} v_{hl} \\ s.t. && u_i - u_i & \leq \tau_{ij} & \forall i,j \in N \\ && u_h - u_l - v_{hl} & \leq \gamma_{hl} & \forall h,l \in H \\ && u, v \geq 0 \end{align} $$

Improving Benders

There is no free lunch!

Improving Benders

Pareto optimal cuts [2]

One issue with min-cost flow, as with many "network" problems, is its high degeneracy: multiple equivalent optimal solutions.

So we design a Pareto optimal sub-problem.

  • Modify the objective function using a core point
  • Add a constraint to restrict the solution space with the solution of the primal problem
$$ \begin{align} \max && u_o - u_d - \sum_{h,l \in H} & z^0_{hl} v_{hl} \\ s.t. && u_i- u_j & \leq \tau_{ij} \quad \forall i,j \in D^r \\ && u_h - u_l - v_{hl} & \leq \gamma_{hl} \quad \forall h, l \in H \\ && u_o - u_d - \sum_{h,l \in H} \bar{z}_{hl} v_{hl} &= spp(o, d, \bar{Z}) \\% && u \geq 0, v \geq 0 \end{align} $$

[2] Magnanti, T.L. and Wong, R.T., 1981.

Accelerating Benders decomposition: Algorithmic enhancement and model selection criteria.

Operations research, 29(3), pp.464-484.

Improving Benders

Pareto optimal cuts and independent sub-problems

Improving Benders

Cut bundling

With fixed $z$, the sub-problem becomes a collection of independent min-cost flows.

We need to decide how we are going to "bundle" the cuts.

  • All in one
  • By origin
  • By leg used
  • By closest hub
  • One per trip

Improving Benders

Core point update

Papadakos [3] showed that the choice of a core point can dramatically influence the performance of Pareto approach. Even better when updating it. $$ z^{0 (n + 1)}_{hl} = \frac{z^{0 (n)}_{hl} + \bar{z}^{(n)}_{hl}}{2} $$

[3] Papadakos, N., 2009.

Integrated airline scheduling.

Computers & Operations Research, 36(1), pp.176-195.


... or "Was it all worth it?"


Benders vs. MIP (small)


Benders vs. MIP (large)


Sensitivity analysis

Results $H_{10}$

Results $H_{20}$