The Travelling Salesman Problem

First NP-Hard Problem

Given a graph $\graph$, compute the shortest tour linking all nodes.

$$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{i, j \in E} x_{i,j} & \cdot \cost_{i,j} \\ s.t. && \sum_{j \in C} x_{i,j} & = 1 & \forall i \in C \\ && \sum_{j \in C} x_{j,i} & = 1 & \forall i \in C \\ && \sum_{i, j \in S} x_{i,j} & \leq |S| - 1 & \forall S \subseteq C \\ && x \in \B \end{align} $$

The Vehicle Routing Problem

TSP with More than One Traveller

Given a graph $\graph$, a set of customer demands, and a set of identical vehicles $V$, compute the shortest routing so that all customers are visited once.

$$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{v \in V} \sum_{i,j \in E} & x_{i,j}^v \cdot \cost_{i,j} \\ s.t. && \sum_{v \in V} y^v_i & = 1 & \forall i \in C \\ && \sum_{i \in C} y^v_i \cdot \dem_i & \leq \capa & \forall v \in V \\ && y^v_i & \leq \sum_{j \in C} x_{j,i}^v & \forall v \in V, i \in C \\ && \sum_{j \in C} (x_{j, i}^v - x_{i, j}^v) & = 0 & \forall v \in V \\ && \sum_{i, j \in S} x^v_{i,j} & \leq |S| - 1 & \forall S \subseteq C, v \in V \\ && x \in \mathbb{B}&, y \in \mathbb{B} \end{align} $$

The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem

VRP with Multiple Visits

Relaxation of the VRP where customers can be visited more than once.

$$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{v \in V} \sum_{i,j \in E} & x_{i,j}^v \cdot \cost_{i,j} \\ s.t. && \color{red}{\sum_{v \in V} y^v_i} & \color{red}{= \dem_i} & \forall i \in C \\ && \sum_{i \in C} y^v_i & \leq \capa & \forall v \in V \\ && y^v_i & \leq \sum_{j \in C} x_{j,i}^v & \forall v \in V, i \in C \\ && \sum_{j \in C} (x_{j, i}^v - x_{i, j}^v) & = 0 & \forall v \in V \\ && \sum_{i, j \in S} x^v_{i,j} & \leq |S| - 1 & \forall S \subseteq C, v \in V \\ && x \in \mathbb{B}&, \color{red}{y \geq 0} \end{align} $$

The Rich VRP

Fleet Size-and-Mix, Split Delivery VRP with Compatibility Constraints

The Rich VRP

Real World Complexity

  • Based on a tender to optimise grocery delivery in Queensland
  • First MIP model developed in [1] as a benchmark for comparison against CP
  • Can be extended using valid cuts or symmetry breaking
  • Fleet and routing can be modelled in numerous ways
    • Composite model

[1] Fleet Design Optimisation From Historical Data Using Constraint Programming and Large Neighbourhood Search
      Tommaso Urli and Philip Kilby
      CP 2015

The Rich VRP

Core Model

Given a graph $\graph$, a set of vehicles $V$, a set of types $T$, and a set of commodities $K$. $$ \begin{align} \min && \sum_{v \in V} \sum_{i,j \in E} x_{i,j}^v &\cdot \cost_{t} \cdot \mathbf{d}_{i,j} \\ s.t. && \sum_{v \in V} y_{i, k}^v & = \dem_{i, k} & \forall i \in C, k \in K \\ && \sum_{i \in C} \sum_{k \in K} y_{i, k}^v & \leq \capa_{t} & \forall v \in V \\ && u_{v} & \leq x_{i, i}^v & \forall i,j \in E \\ && x \in \mathbb{B}, u \in \mathbb{B}&, y \geq 0 \end{align} $$

The Rich VRPs

Fleet Models

Flexible fleet

  • We know the number of vehicles
  • Type is a decision variable $z_t^v$
  • Four-index routing $x_{t, i,j}^v$
  • Compatibility needs to be explicit

Stable Fleet

  • Vehicles have types
  • We know how many per type
  • Three-index routing $x_{i,j}^v$
  • Compatibility implicit

The Rich VRPs

Routing Models

Vehicle flow

  • What enters must leave $$ \sum_{j \in C} x_{i,j}^v = \sum_{j \in C} x_{j, i}^v $$
  • Sub-tour elimination $$ \sum_{i,j \in S} x_{i,j}^v \leq |S| - 1 $$

Commodity flow

  • Variable to track the amount carried on an arc $f_{k, i,j}^{v}$
  • Delivery handles sub-tours $$ \sum_{k \in K} \sum_{j \in C} (f_{k,i,j}^{v} - f_{k,j,i}^{v}) = y_{i,k}^v $$

The Rich VRP

Making It Richer

Valid Cuts

  • Minimum visits
  • Minimum vehicles
  • Maximum vehicles
  • Depot outgoing degree
  • Single visit

Symmetry Breaking

  • Vehicle usage
  • Visit order
  • Fleet order
  • Customer assignment



Experimenting on a Year of Data

Results coming

Experimental Setting

  • Gurobi v6.5
  • 15min runs
  • Based on real data
  • Three category of instances: small, medium, large


MIP + Valid Cuts + Symmetry + Warm-Start

Time (s) or Gap after 900s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
sc 29.31 522.84 72.99 222.91 447.78 664.57 (0.45%) 4.58 160.73
sf 27.82 806.01 664.07 207.41 (1.48%) (2.15%) (1.09%) 4.61 183.37
fc 19.83 598.22 506.86 438.87 (1.37%) (1.10%) (1.53%) 27.21 161.06
ff 58.84 (0.36%) (0.26%) 517.95 (1.65%) (3.51%) (3.16%) 18.78 438.17


Using a Year of Data

Performance over a year
CP MIP CP (1min) + MIP
Value Best (%) Diff (%) Value Best (%) Diff (%) Gap (%) Value Best (%) Diff (%) Gap (%)
small 49303 0.83 0.95 48852 8.83 0.00 0.74 48850 90.34 0.01 0.79
medium 51698 7.73 3.83 51199 38.98 2.79 6.97 50446 53.29 1.46 6.12
large 52518 7.73 5.08 52200 26.25 4.17 9.85 50646 65.74 1.56 7.68


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